When reflecting on the impact of my works, I consider both artistic and community significance. Artistically, I explore composition and material through play and discovery to examine how childhood shapes adulthood and community-wise, I cultivate safe spaces for collective healing and communal exchanges to shift cultural norms. These principles are foundational to my practice, as my childhood was defined by solitary artmaking and storytelling. Without creative peers, I became hesitant, constrained, and disconnected, always dreaming of artmaking with others. These reflections inspired Community Gatherings, a unique 2-hour in-person collage workshop series that nurtures the inner child. Participants use childhood photos and nostalgic materials to create personal collages and share stories within the intimate setting of Mahyue Studios, my studio space. Each person creates their own "inner child" collage and leaves with a shared creative experience - fulfilling my childhood dream of creating with friends. All materials and guidance are provided. My goal is to create safe spaces for immersive exploration and authentic conversation, expanding towards a more socially engaged practice.
Photographs taken by Mathilde Mujanayi
Community Gatherings launched in June 2023 with support from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) and The Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts (BOPA). These sessions welcome the local Baltimore City community into Mahyue Studios to create together, gain personal insight into my artistic process and ongoing projects, and receive a copy of the Mahyue Artist Journal for personal inner-child work at home.